Wednesday, March 17, 2010

How Good is Good Enough?

Recently at one of my Bible studies, one of the people brought up the question of someone living a good life without putting faith in Jesus entering Heaven. Unfortunately in this day of Oprahanity, it is not an uncommon question. After all, shouldn't all "good" people go to Heaven no matter what they believe?

This is typical of man's pride and self image. Whenever someone is asked if they consider themselves to be a good person, the answer is almost always "yes". This is because we will compare ourselves to someone we consider to be an evil person in order to see ourselves in the best light possible. After all, who doesn't look good next to the murderer or thief you just read about in this morning's paper?

The problem with this, is that we are not going to be judged according to what other people have done. We are going to be judged according to God's holy standard, the ten commandments. We are going to stand before God and have to answer for every lie we've told, everything we've ever stolen, every time we've dishonored our parents. We are told God will not hold blameless those who take his name in vain. Every time we have blasphemed the name of God by using it casually, we have stored up wrath. Jesus teaches us that if we have looked at another person with lust, we have committed adultery in our heart. If we have hated a brother, we are murderers. God will judge us all in thought, word, and deed.

This shows that we are not good people at all, we are all sinners with a large debt to pay. The price of this debt is eternal damnation and separation from God in hell. When we look inward and see ourselves as God sees us, we realize that we are in serious trouble. All of our good deeds cannot erase the bad we have done. God is a holy and just judge and He must punish sin. If He simply allowed sinners to enter Heaven regardless of what they've done, He would not be just. If a judge in an earthly courtroom let criminals go free because they did some good deeds, that judge would not be a good judge. Sin must be punished.

Fortunately, there is good news. We can be released from our debt. We do not have to pay for our transgressions against God. Someone has taken our punishment for us to satisfy the judgment. God loved us so much that He sent His only Son to die for us on the cross. Jesus took the punishment we all deserve. In doing this, the burden of our sin was lifted from us. God can now dismiss our case and allow us into Heaven. Not because of what we have done, because of what Jesus has done.

What we need to do in response to this is repent, turn from our sin and wicked ways, and put our trust in Jesus. We need to admit to God that we are not good people. In fact we are sinners that are not worthy of entering His kingdom. We need to thank Him for sending Jesus to take the punishment we deserve. Ask God to come into your life and open your eyes. He has promised that all who call on His name will be saved. He will make you a new creation in Christ and breathe new life into you. It is not too late. Nothing you have done in your life is so big that Jesus did not die for it. You are not guaranteed another day on Earth. Take the time to get right with God today.

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