Friday, January 8, 2010

Belief is irrelevant

Belief is irrelevant in light of the truth.

With the rise of "Ophranity" and all of the other false religions, there is a movement afoot that tells us that all belief systems are equal and as long as one believes in their own beliefs they will find God. This is not new. It has happened from the beginning of time when Satan asked Eve, "Did God really say..."Since that point, humankind has been in search of a god to shape in his own image. A god that will allow them to live as they see fit, certainly not a god that will judge them for their sin. And of course the god who will simply love, love, love them as they are and allow them to continue in their sin.

Just believing that something is true does not make it so. Truth is not subjective. If my truth and your truth disagree, one of them is wrong. If you believe that God will overlook your sin because you are a generally good person, or because you go to church on Sunday, or because you do good deeds in the community, you have created an idol and inserted it in place of God. The God who has revealed Himself to us in the Bible tells us that we cannot do anything to earn our way to Him. The only way is through Jesus Christ.

We need to turn from our sin and trust that Jesus has taken our punishment for us, not try to earn our way. When Jesus was whipped, beaten, spat upon, had his beard pulled out, and finally nailed to the cross, he bore the punishment for all of us. Through His sacrifice we can approach God and be seen as sinless. We are to repent, that is turn from our sin, and ask for forgiveness. When we do that, God will give us a new heart. His desires will be ours. The old creature will die, and a new one will take its place. We will be born again.

This is the truth. This is what has been revealed to us in the Bible. Any other belief will end in destruction. No matter how fervently someone believes it.

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