Monday, January 25, 2010

Extra Grace People

We all have those people in our lives who require extra grace in our every day dealings. Maybe it's someone who seems to ask the same questions all the time. It may be someone that you just can't seem to get to no matter how hard you try. Maybe it's the argumentative person who always tries to trip you. Whoever it is, there are those people who will test the limits of our patience. What's important is how we respond to these people.

When I think about all I have done in my life, I'm happy that God didn't run out of patience with me. Surely my stubbornness, pride, and disobedience over years of my life would have caused anyone to classify me as an extra grace person. However, God didn't give up. Instead of giving up on me, He sent His son to take the punishment I deserve for all of my disobedience. Seeing this sacrifice, puts the difficult I have to deal with into a new light. God loves them just as much as He loves me.

The next time you have to deal with a person that tests your limits, remember that God didn't give up on you. As a Christian, we need to take the time to make sure that people can see the Holy Spirit working through us. Especially when it comes to the people who require us to dig deep for that last bit of strength. We all know who those people are.

If you don't, you're it.

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